
Newcomer Nashville and Friends activities are designed for you to participate as much or as little as works for you.  Try one or try them all!

Monthly Activities

Activities are only open to members. Learn how to join here, Members receive emails with all of the specific details for each upcoming activity.

Lunch Ladies - This is the 3rd Thursday of each month. We try new restaurants and cuisine in and about Nashville.  Reservations are required.

Coffee and Gab - The 4th Tuesday of the month we meet in a Newcomers' home or a local coffee shop.  This is a casual gathering and a great way to get to know new friends.  Reservations are required.

Novel Newcomers - Our book club meets monthly, in a member's home, to discuss the latest book, pick new titles and visit. The day varies.

Wine Down - Once a month we gather at a member's home for a drop in visit and a glass of wine or favorite beverage.  This is a relaxed gathering.  Just show up to visit and tell us about your day.  BYOB and a snack to share if you have time.  If not, your new friends will take care of you! Date varies.

Adventures Out - On hiatus.

Two-by-Two -Drop your name in a hat! Names are drawn in pairs and each pair will make their own plans to get together.  Outings may involve a lunch, a walk in the park or even a visit to a museum.  It's a time to get to know new friends on a one on one bases!

Newcomers Makers- Like to draw, craft, knit, sew, make greeting cards, jewelry or other crafty things? We bring our current project and have a great time socializing while we work on it. We meet the second Tuesday at 1 pm..

Cards: Hand and Foot- If you like to play cards, you'll love this game one of our members brought us from California. It's an easy to learn version of canasta and we're happy to teach you. We gather to play on the third Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m.

Movie Goers- Love a movie but hate to go alone. No problem! Join other members at the movies on the third Sunday of the month. Time varies depending on the movie's time. Smell the popcorn!

Divas- This is a gals only gathering for ladies who want a night out. We hold a pot luck supper the third Thursday night of the month followed by cards or board games.